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Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm a Believer (in Severe Weather Preparedness)

If you awake to the sound of a train with no railroad, then it’s probably already too late.

You have seconds, not minutes, to get up and find a safe place in an effort to escape injury or death from a tornado. 

This is Severe Weather Preparedness Week, and I had firsthand experience with its purpose back in March 1996 when my family was sooooo not prepared. We awoke to the sound of an F2 tornado barreling through our neighborhood at 4 a.m.

Our young sons woke up first, frightened by the thunder and torrential rain. After reassuring them that it was just a thundershower, I unplugged the television, because lightning was popping everywhere. Had I turned it on instead, we would have known a tornado was almost upon us.

 Then we heard it.

“What does that sound like?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t hearing what I thought I heard.

“Mama, that sounds like a train.”

Then the power went out.

“Get up, everybody! In the hall!”

As their daddy raced to get sofa cushions and pillows for our protection, I tried to pull a hall tree out of the way so it wouldn’t fall on top of us. By the time we were huddled together, the storm was already past our house.
As it turned out, we were very fortunate. Unlike some families in our neighborhood, we still had a roof and a house. Unlike a nearby couple, we still had our lives. We did have some property damage, but it wasn’t devastating.

Still, I mentally kicked myself for being unprepared and not turning on the TV. Later, I purchased a weather alert radio, which at the time didn’t help since we lived just out of range of a NOAA weather station.  Eventually, my mind eased when the county installed a weather siren a quarter mile away. 

These days, we still have the weather siren, but we can also receive NOAA radio alerts.  We have live streaming severe weather via the Internet, and if we want, we can get alerts on our cell phones.

So, last April 15, when a series of small tornadoes swept through, I was ready. A few areas in the county, such as the agricultural research station, received damage from short-track storms.

 Then, when parameters for powerful, long-track tornadoes went off the charts for April 27, it was a little comforting that our county was on the southern tip of the forecast area. Still, I prepared for the worst, moving the hall tree and gathering cushions, pillows and a small mattress for cover, just in case.  (There wasn’t enough time to dig a basement!)

After the first storm of the afternoon hit Cullman, I tuned into James Spann via Internet and another station via TV as the monster tornado bore down on Tuscaloosa.


Then, as the Tuscaloosa supercell kept on going and going and going, I just prayed that it would spare Birmingham. 

About that time, my son who lives in Birmingham, called (or maybe I called him!). He and his wife had their safety plan in order, and he stayed on the phone as the tornado entered the western part of Jefferson County. We soon realized that their area would be spared. 

A few weeks later, I had the opportunity to write an article about some of the rural damage caused by the historic outbreak. While the heavily populated cities received the most media coverage due to loss of life and extensive property damage, there were farmers frantically trying to save their livelihoods.

A catfish farm in Greene County suffered a direct hit by an EF2-3 tornado as it plowed 71 miles across the countryside. Winds damaged 75 percent of the ponds, tossing aerators out of the water and throwing roofs, siding and tractors in.

Three workers narrowly missed certain death when they chose to leave the smaller farmhouse (that was leveled) and take cover in a larger structure. The farm lost its shop, sheds, silos, boats, tractors, trucks, trailers, aerators and 50 power poles.  Other farmers arrived the next day to begin weeks of work to help locate replacement equipment and get the operation back up and running. 

Now, as Alabama holds the record as the state with the most tornadoes for 2011 and so far, for 2012 as well, we accept that this is a high-risk state, and there is nothing we can do to tame severe weather. We can only prepare and pray for the best.

So  yes, I recently purchased a brand new weather alert radio and had it programmed when the meteorologists from Montgomery came to town.  I also bought myself a bicycle helmet to protect my head, and even if y’all think that is paranoid, James Spann said that helmets saved lives last April 27 and probably could have saved even more if people just had them…and frankly, that tornado back in 1996 turned me into a believer!  

(Posted for the Alabama Disaster Relief Blogging Program to help fund the Christian Service Mission in Birmingham rebuild homes, lives and communities.)


  1. Always good to be prepared. Weather has been really strange the past few years.

  2. oh what a scary thing you went through...i was on the edge of my seat! hey, i didn't know you had a second blog and i remember that last pic from your daily photo one!

  3. Hi Tanya, Well, I DID have this other blog, but this is the first thing I've posted since last May! I got kinda busy. ANYHOW, this account that is written for a fundraiser, worked better here than on the daily photo blog. The top photo is a view of our driveway the morning after the storm. The winds lifted the boys' treehouse and dropped part of it in the driveway, wrapping their basketball goal around it, along with a pine tree. Except for a few shingles missing, our house didn't get hit. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. I've been through a few close calls here -- but nothing too destructive. This is great information and I'm glad you are now prepared for tornado season this year. :)

  5. This is a great story - and a good heads-up reminder. One night when the dogs and I were alone at our farm I got the automated call with the tornado warning, and we holed up in the designated basement room. I was growing weary of the lumpy old love seat we had moved in there, and just as I was packing up my water, etc., to head back to my nice cozy bed, I heard the "train" go by. Luckily all we lost were a few trees.

  6. Wow, what a scary thing to go through! I am sooo glad that we don't have tornadoes here in Arizona! Being prepared for emergencies is a very good thing especially for us rural folks.

  7. yes, we've had our share of scares here in OK too. it's a good feeling to be prepared!!

  8. Prepared is always good. I can't imagine going through something this devastating even though I lived in KS for many years.

  9. Being prepared is always smart! I sure don't think having a helmet is dumb :) We live in an area prone to tornadoes and we have a plan each year! They're ten times as scary at night too. Thanks for the informative article.

  10. I agree it is always best to be prepared.

  11. Wow, it must be one of the most scary things in life... to know that a tornado is coming your way...

  12. When I see pictures on TV of Tornados and what damages they cause, it's hard to believe ! In Belgium we have heavy thunderstorms sometimes and flooding, but never such catastrophes !

  13. Sounds as if you are really as prepared as possible, and such a good idea in a high risk area. I live in Texas, and have had several near misses at my house, so really appreciate your post. Pretty scary. My mom used to say "once burned, twice shy". So true with this kind of storm risk.

  14. I was unaware that Alabama has the most tornadoes. Always thought it might be Kansas or some other Midwest state. You were lucky during the "unprepared for" tornado but you certainly have now made up for it. Good idea!

  15. What a story. My first time to read a true to life story about a tornado and God is really good. You and your family were saved from this tornado. And like you said, better to be prepared. Thanks for visiting:)

  16. Kate, Kansas may well be the state with the most tornadoes on average, but Alabama ranked at the top in 2011, primarily due to the April outbreaks. I hope Alabama loses that rank for 2012, although the year certainly started badly!

  17. YIKES! I've been hearing about a lot of storms like this lately. They are quick and damaging.

  18. Mississippi was hard hit, too. Lots of people in this area have had storm shelters installed. My son was one of them. We wouldn't have time to drive the 6 miles to it, but we might be able to run next door and get shelter in their underground house! (Thanks for visiting my blog!)

  19. Oh this is such a great post living in Eastern Ontario Canada we have rarely seen or heard of a tornado that being said last weekend one small one touched down almost killing a man in his shop. I am now a believer that it can happen anywhere. I am glad you and your family are safe and prepared and I am truly sorry for those who were not so lucky. B

  20. I couldn't imagine living in a tornado area, we lose our pennies if the winds are above 50MPH here!


  21. We were living in Jasper in the 70s when a huge tornado destroyed downtown. Tornadoes are very scary, and I am so happy your home was spared and your family was safe. It's wonderful that more measures toward preparedness are now in place in your area. That tornado corridor always seems to draw them there, and it can be so frightening!

  22. Very scary, Janet! I have only seen a tornado one time...and that was more than enough for me. We do not live in a tornado area...but they can set down even here. It's so much better to be safe than sorry!

  23. What a scary thing to happen, I am glad you got the message

  24. Good for you to understand the need to be prepared. I've always felt badly for those that live in tornado country but I live in earthquake country and we are having earthquakes all around us. I am now getting prepared!

  25. How spooky. We don't have anything like that here in the inland northwest. like your writings and photos.
