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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Q for Quilting (ABC Wednesday)

Its ABC Wednesday again, and this week we celebrate the letter "Q," and where I'm from, Q is for QUILTING. 

Quilts have warmed us inside and out ever since cloth scraps were invented, and perhaps no quilters recycle scraps better than The Quilters of Gees Bend.  Read their story HERE, and view a video (below) that I made when they visited Selma a couple of years ago.

Now, while I have never finished a quilt (although I've started one or two), I am blessed that others in my family stitched their scraps into lovely designs such as the ones below that were made by my grandmother, mother, mother-in-law and sister-in-law.


See how other great bloggers interpreted the letter Q over at ABC Wednesday.


  1. ah, the family that quilts together, stays together?! very lovely. i always thought that it was a QUAINT skill, but I appreciate the QUALITY in the work.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. I love quilts,especially old ones!

  3. I'm a huge fan of quilts and have one on each bed in our house. I think they speak of the past, even if they're from Pottery Barn. ;)

  4. Beautiful quilts, how lovely for them to be made for you.

  5. Lovely quilts. The wedding circle one looks like one my mother in law made for me many years ago. Its falling apart but i still love it.

  6. Thank you for this celebration of quilters! My sister is one of the best; I am not!
    Helen Mac
    ABC team

  7. Thank you all for your comments. Quilts are so much more than just cover!
