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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekend Reflections (The Finer Things)

Pardon me while I dust off my jeans and admire the craftsmanship of a few of the finer things!
Such are the exquisite collections that can be seen during the Historic Selma Pilgrimage in March.  

Visit more reflections at the Newtown, PA. Area Photo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ABC Wednesday (F is for FEVER)


You don't quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”

Mark Twain

(Visit ABC Wednesday HERE.)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ABC Wednesday (E for EXHIBIT)

 It's ABC Wednesday again, and the letter is E.

E is EASY, because I have lots of pictures to EXHIBIT
for Selma's Historic Pilgrimage that's coming up March 18-19. Pilgrimage EXHIBITS the town's EARLY heritage, so EXPECT to see ELEGANT homes, ENGAGING art, EXQUISITE flower arrangements and EXTREMELY old (antique) cars.

Above is the Brownstone Manor, one of six homes on tour, not including 
Sturdivant Hall, where you see the dining room  below.

 In Heritage Village, very cool antique cars will be on display,
and this EVENT is free!


Alabama artists and photographers will compete in a juried art EXHIBITION sponsored by ArtsRevive. This year, the show will be at the renovated 1920's Carneal Building by the Alabama River.  (Another free EVENT!)

 If you enjoy memorabilia, the Burns Home has collections that range from the style of Antiques Roadshow to American Pickers. So, do YOU still have your Beatles lunchbox? How about the old family Victrola? This house does!

One of Selma's greatest regrets is the loss of the Hotel Albert, shown in the photo below. The hotel was torn down when it became too difficult to maintain, but oh what a tourist attraction it would be today! The photo is one of many taken by a photographer whose work will be on EXHIBIT at the Old Depot Museum. 

During Pilgrimage, look for the Alabama Plein Air Artists! They will EXHIBIT  their talents at various venues, painting the town so to speak! 

Now, there are lots more perspectives on the Letter E over 
at the ABC Wednesday Meme! Have fun!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cryin' in the Rain

Okay. It can stop raining now.

And a few 75-degree days will be appreciated.

Can’t hurt if the sun shines either — for more than an hour or two.

And if I read any Facebook posts where people say they are thankful for rain because of the flowers it will bring, well…they can just go take a walk in a pasture!


Let 'em wade through mud up to their knees.

Let 'em drive a truck through the seeps.

Let 'em try to pull an animal out of a ditch.

Let 'em stretch five bales of hay into 50 because it's too cold and wet for grass to grow.

Not only that, but this has been one extended miniseries of a winter!

It all started last year. If those cold rains weren't enough, the rains of this year have been absolutely CHILLING, kind of like Misery, if you know what I mean!

So now we have Cryin’ in the Rain II. 

It’s so wet that farm trucks are covered in mud. There’s no sense washing them, because like determined little boys, they just go right back out and get covered in mud again.

It was so wet last year that ducks and geese turned a nearby hayfield into a habitat. They swam where I have never seen fowl swim before.  

It’s so wet and so gray that for once the groundhog didn’t see his shadow. So maybe, just maybe, spring is coming soon!

But unlike Groundhog Day (the movie), I’m hopin’ next winter doesn’t repeat this winter all over again…and again…and again!